press & PR about Playmate

Lokaltidningen Vellinge

Cast and director for TALKING HEADS in Skånska Dagbladet

Standing on stage as part of Sweden's ME TOO movement at Malmö Stadsteater

Vanessa Poole plays Vanda in VENUS IN FUR in Sydsvenskan
(Sydsvenskan 2017)
September 2024
SURVIVORS by Billy O'Shea
A strong and nuanced full page article about Playmate's world premiere of SURVIVORS by Billy O'Shea in Sydsvenskan
“an absolutely marvellous performance of 'Survivors'
“[Vanessa Poole] simply wonderful as Maggie!”
“…gillar hur realistiskt det var och att se hur folk reagerar i en sån situation”
“The discussion afterwards with Marie from Malmö University was really positive… very interesting and helpful.”
“It was a night to remember.”
“Α truly touching and original performance”
“fantastique … tragedia and commedia. And physicality…”
´”the male actors very convincing”
”Ett starkt manus, likaså dess dramatiserade läsning igår. Jag grät, jag skrattade, kände förtvivlan och ilska samt blev smått sjösjuk. ….. Så många minnen och frågor som väckts i efterdyningarna av gårdagens framförande. Denna pjäs förtjänar att sättas upp. För alla de som dog, för alla de som överlevde. Och för oss alla - som individer och som samhälle. För att vi kan faktiskt gå tillbaka. Genom att göra nya val varje dag. Well done [författaren] Billy O’Shea, Playmate Theatre Malmö"
“great work,"
“[Vanessa Poole] was amazing…"
“absolutely loved it, and my friends did too.”
“I tried to get a ticket, sold out! My friends texted me to say it was fantastic”
“Thank you for this meaningful evening!”
"...the musical score and the lighting made it so much more..."
April/September 2022
SUNDAY IN SODOM by Jordan Tannahill
"Vem blir du i skuggan av krisen? Och hur fortsätter vardagen efter bombattacken? Krigets konsekvenser är temat när Playmate Theatre Malmö och Teater Dictat tillsammans bjuder på dubbelföreställning på Bastionen...Det pågående kriget i Ukraina nämns aldrig rakt ut. Men den verkliga konflikten är oundvikligt närvarande genom hela pjäsen...Bland annat spelas karaktären Nana, mormor i pjäsen, av den ukrainska skådespelaren Inna Syzonenko."/Skånska Dagbladet
Det Händer Magazine SUNDAY IN SODOM https://dethander.com/sunday-in-sodomby-jordan-tannahill/?fbclid=IwAR3THLCQCYbwQixdtmhjsyeeKi-JdUSWlEgLJi3F_DuoXsqzMPjNZgGrPH8
October 2022
The Copenhagen Post
VODKA TALKS by Arne Nielsen
"English-language premiere of German play ‘Vodka Talks’ is the debut play of Danish author Arne Nielsen … which he wrote in German...Active since the 1970s, Danish director Lars Junggreen is a legendary veteran of Danish theatre. While the two stars of the show, Jana Pulkrabek and Vanessa Poole, are equally familiar with the stage … and each other. Recent collaborations include ‘HAP’ in Hamburg last year and ‘The Clean House’ in Copenhagen in 2019.
Busy season for HIT International Theatre Arts
In ‘Vodka Talks’ – which will be performed in collaboration with Playmate Theatre Malmö from November 11-13 at Bastionen Theatre, and then April 20-22 at Teatert ved Sorte Hest in Copenhagen – two sisters share revelations and stunning discoveries as they sort through their late father’s estate. "
/Ben Hamilton The Copenhagen Post
August 2021
HAP by John Foster
Lovely coveage in the regional newspaper of southern Sweden
May 2019
"Brilliantly performed, Edward Albee’s darkly comical The Goat, or Who Is Sylvia? is not for the faint of heart. With a lurking elephant — or, really, a goat — in the room, the audience is thrown headfirst into the most emotionally intimate moments of a great marriage gurgling down the garbage disposal… Poole and Benn balance this tension of love and hate so delicately as to make the whole performance nuanced and believable…The play is carried by Poole’s strongly nuanced portrayal of one half of a happy, devoted partnership sliding quickly into insanity".
"De tos samspil er fint, og man mærker den fortrolighed og jargon, der kan være mellem ægtefæller, der har været sammen i en årrække"
Kevin Benn leverer en smukt afdæmpet præstation ... Vanessa Poole udviser suveræn komisk timing...i Jefferson Bonds portræt af sønnen fornemmer vi en ægte fortvivlelse."
April 2019
Swedish radio interview about Playmate and "The Goat or Who is Sylvia?"
Skånska Dagbladet interview about The Goat or Who is Sylvia?"
September 2018
Article in The Local, Sweden's nationwide English-language newspaper, about Playmates' production Quality Street and British humour.
A podcast interview with Vanessa Poole about Playmate's first year and first season in Malmö and about our production "Quality Street" ; Inglorious Artists
Front page coverage and article about Quality Street, September 2018, Malmö Hallå tidning, a supplement to Sydsvenskan
A great article about "Quality Street" and the role Playmate Theatre Malmö has in the region, in this trendy lifestyle Scandi blog/website.
May 2017
"Talking heads" by Alan Bennett: Review
Theatre Review: Turning heads and the talk of the town ★★★★★
May 9th, 2017 12:46 pm| by Mark Walker/ The Copenhagen Post
Sep 2017
A lovely welcome for Playmate by southern Sweden's leading newspaper
January 2018
“Lettice and Lovage” by Peter Shaffer: Review SYDSVENSKAN
Den passionerade prilligheten
By Boel Gerell
December 2017
"...OPINION: It isn't always easy putting on English-language theatre in southern Sweden, but presenting plays in their original language has huge value – not least for integration – writes Playmate Theatre member Vanessa Poole.
Living as we have done for years with our Swedish partners of choice, we are all happy enough to be settled in Skåne, but oddly for such an expansive and cosmopolitan region, there is one thing missing: there has never been an established English-language theatre in southern Sweden...."
Why Sweden needs theatre in English – Sweden’s only English-language newspaper features Playmate
January 2018
News from Österlen: Boel Marie Larsson stars in Playmate’s next play
Sep 2017
Local news for Vellinge : A season of English theatre by Playmate Malmö
May 2017
Playmate Theatre starts a season of English theatre in Malmö at Bastionen/ Skånska Dagbladet.
Playmate reflects on the implications of Covid 19 in the theatre world in an article printed in The Local newspaper, Sweden.
(September 2020)